Francisco Santos

Francisco Santos is a multi-award winning executive producer founder and shows creator of Cirque Factory. He has more than 20 years of experience creating and overseeing blockbuster live entertainment. During that tenure, Francisco has been contracted to develop unique brand concepts for international special events. The eighth generation of a family dedicated to the entertainment business. From a young age, he has been active in widely famed circus shows around the world. He has traveled across five continents during a successful career performing Icarian Games, an ancient discipline known for its unique style and technique. He has taken part in numerous prestigious international festivals and also has been recognized with different awards, honors, and nominations, which includes Spain’s 2009 Villa de Madrid award. He won an Emmy award in the category of "Outstanding Non-Fiction Program" for his work in the series “Fire Within.”
Since 2002, he has worked simultaneously with Cirque du Soleil on the creation of the show “Varekai.” With “Varekai,” he has been a guest artist in the category Icarian Games, which has been seen by more than 9 million people around the world.
Outside of work, he volunteers with non-profit organizations by creating and implementing innovative social intervention approach based on the circus arts workshops to teach young children about the circus arts. It targets various at-risk groups living in precarious personal and social situations.